An unusual story

The kerosene lamp was invented in 1853 by Ignacy Łukasiewicz, a Polish chemist and pharmacist, and later an entrepreneur and a social worker, coming from an impoverished noble family from Podkarpacie. He made Poland and Poles famous with this invention and it was this invention that changed the world and started the era of better lighting available on a large scale.

The first kerosene lamp flared on July 31, 1853, illuminating the operating room of the Piarist hospital in Lviv. Władysław Cholecki, operated patient, had bad luck. To this day, it is not known exactly what disease has knocked him out. It is only certain that in the evening of July 31, 1853, he came to the hospital in Lviv and required urgent surgery. The patient’s misfortune laid in the fact that when the doctor decided there was a need for immediate surgery it was already dark outside. And 160 years ago, it meant that you had to wait until the morning with the intervention of the surgeon. Cholecki was also very lucky. His surgeon, Zaorski, did not gave up but decided to try out the latest invention, which was still not heard of in Lviv. That night, the strong light of an kerosene lamp was lit in the halls of the Lviv Main Hospital. The operation was successful, Władysław Cholecki recovered and probably led a normal life. The nighttime duty of the Lviv surgeons started to make sense. The life of the inventor Ignacy Łukasiewicz has changed irretrievably.


Kerosene lamps today

Today the fashion for kerosene lamps is returning. Although we have access to electricity, the lighted kerosene lamp gives the interior a unique charm and vibe, which cannot be achieved with an electric lamp. Handmade of high quality brass, glass, and sometimes natural stone lamp is an artistic product, which is an extremely noble accent in the interior. It perfectly adorns stylish interiors and, as part of fashion for eclecticism, it also blends in with contemporary and even modern interiors, introducing an intriguing accent and a breath of nostalgia.

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